Joint Presentation 2002

Justice Lucy McCallum

2022 joint presentation for the Ngara Yura Committee of the Judicial Commission of NSW and the Francis Forbes Society for Australian Legal History – the third annual joint presentation was delivered by the Hon Lucy McCallum, Chief Justice of the ACT Supreme Court, titled “The fallacy of protectionism.” The paper addressed the historical background to the so-called “protectionist” policies of the last century, their abject failure in achieving their stated goals of protecting First Nations peoples and the reckoning to be done to avoid such mistakes in the future.

Justice Rachel Pepper – The Ngara Yura Committee and the Forbes Society are grateful to the Hon James Allsop AO, Chief Justice, Federal Court of Australia, President of the Forbes Society and Ngara Yura Committee member, for use of Federal Court facilities for the presentation.

“Making the Past Visible: The Colonial Frontier Massacre Map Project and the Legacies of Frontier massacres”

On Thursday 5 November 2020 at 5:15-6:30pm (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) there was a webinar held organised by the New South Wales Judicial Commission, Ngara Yura Committee entitled:

Making the Past Visible: The Colonial Frontier Map Project and the Legacies of Frontier Massacres

Speaker Professor Lyndall Ryan of the University of Newcastle.

Chaired by Chief Justice Allsop of the Federal Court of Australia and Justice McCallum from the Supreme Court of New South Wales.

In the lecture Professor Ryan addressed the history of massacres of Aboriginal people that occurred from 1794 to 1928 (some 300, with an estimated loss of nearly 10,000 lives) across the Australian frontier.  The lecture examined the data concerning these events and addressed important historical and contemporary questions about this part of Australian history and legal history: the lack of awareness of these events; why few perpetrators appeared before courts; how do we come to terms with this past and what the past and our response mean for the future?

Prof Ryan. Digital Map of Colonial Frontier Massacres